Owner :

The site and its domain name are owned by the company ELECIO CONSULTING SARL,located at 41 Rue Barrault – 75013 Paris, with a capital of 8,000€.

Registration number at the RCS : Paris B 498 714 070
Generic contact email : contact@elecio.com
Head office phone number : + 33 9 78 23 75 22

Publication :

The person responsible for the publication is Jean-Pierre MARIACCIA, in his capacity as Associate Director of Elecio Consulting.

Hosting :

The website www.elecio.fr is hosted by Etoile Dièse (www.etoilediese.fr), a limited liability company with a capital of 7,500 euros, registered in the Toulouse Trade and Companies
Register under number 444 118 632.

Site hosting: : N France Conseil 9 rue Ritay 31000 Toulouse France.
For any questions : contact@etoilediese.fr